Saturday 3 May 2008

Open Day Sucess

The formal launch of the Canongate Project was a success - over 100 people were in attendance with people coming from all over - some people travelled from Northumbria, Fife, Glasgow, Peebles and all over Edinburgh. If you came thanks for your support. Someone said they said they thought they might have seen Donald Anderson peeping in the window - we were packed to the gunnels so he would have been quite annoyed if he did but I suspect it was just Wee Wullie Winkie, rather than the Propoganda Pirate of the Caltongate..

Thanks to everyone who came to the Open Day today. Over 60 people came and participated in drawing maps, filling out surveys, chatting, drinking tea, eating cakes and planning how they wanted to get involved in the Canongate Project.

The Canongate Project is open tomorrow too and there are lovely homebakes to buy - come and try them.

Whilst the open day went full swing Catriona Grant from SOOT spoke on the May Day march - and got a really good response. The thing everyone wants to talk about is the common good - so many people just have never heard of it before, however if they come to the Common Good day on 24th May they will learn do much. Cat and Meg gave out over 300 pamphlets advertising the Canongate Project on the march and on the rally and everyone was really interested.

Next two events are Sunday 4th May - Open Day from 11 and Monday 5th May is Ricky de Marco speaking at 4. That's a change from 2.

Please check the blog daily for changes and additions.

Viva la Republic.