Saturday 14 March 2009

Rotten boroughs

You have to ask - what is the world coming to when our elected representatives are getting themselves arrested due to planning dodginess? Its appears to be endemic! This is not just theft and fraud, its worse that that its corruption.

A West Lothian Councillor's home was raided by Lothian & Borders Police after concerns that he was involved in dodgy planning deals - see here. This councillor was trying to push through planning permission when the officials were against it, you have to ask yourself if he would be investigated if the planning officials agreed with him though? .

It's it not just in Lothian mucho dodginess is going on - but in Budapest in Hungary too. The Mayor of Budapest was arrested alongside others when they sold off the Jewish Quarter of Budapest to be gentrified. There had been much discussion about the Jewish Quarter being dark and dingy (same words used about Canongate) and that there was plenty potential to do it up to be a retail and conference area (same words about the Canongate). After an UNESCO visit it was exposed that the land and buildings were sold "off market" to favoured developers (same as the Canongate) however it was also exposed that fraud was committed. You can read more about it here The buildings that have been genrified have been ordered to be returned to their orginal state and to be returned to the public! The developers are not too happy at all.