14 days to go until planning committee SaveOurOldTown
Below is the vision for Bath..its all gone a bit Caltongate!
Well its happening elsewhere, the blatent disregard for having World Heritage Status. The beautiful city of Bath is under threat of losing their status, at the hands of Property Developers
Crest Nicolson whose PR firm appears to be none other than infamous PPS who are the spindoctors for Caltongate Developers, Mountgrange see PPSClients
Read the Icomosobjection to the Bath plans. It all sounds depressingly familiar doesn`t it? Unesco are the body responsible for World Heritage Sites. bathpreservationtrust and bathheritagewatchdog are doing their best to protect their citys` heritage.
Here its the EdinburghWorldHeritageTrust and the CockburnAssociation along with concerned citizens.
Remember to come along to The Stop The Demolitions Meeting on Wednesday 30th January in Old Saint Pauls Church Hall, Jeffrey Street see mapanddirections Teas, coffees, information from 7pm, meeting starts 7.30pm read about the very busy successful lastmeeting